suicide prevention

Support for you or someone you care about

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Suicide prevention

What is suicide prevention?

Suicide prevention starts with recognising the warning signs and taking them seriously. If you think a friend or family member is considering suicide, there’s plenty you can do to help save a life.

We must all learn how to look out for one another and do our bit to help those in distress.

It can be very hard to tell if someone is thinking about suicide, especially as they will often do everything they can to hide the true situation from family and friends.

Take any suicidal talk or behaviour seriously. It’s not just a warning sign that the person is thinking about suicide—it’s a cry for help.

Most people who are thinking about suicide give warning signs or signals of their intentions. The best way to prevent suicide is to recognise these warning signs and know how to respond. If you believe that a friend or family member is thinking about suicide, you can play a role in suicide prevention by listening, talking and showing that you care.

Suicide warning signs include:

Things they are saying – Any talk about suicide, dying, or self-harm, such as “There’s no point going on” “If I see you again…” and “All of my problems will end soon”

No hope for the future – Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and being trapped (“There’s no way out”). Belief that things will never get better or change.

They say they are feeling – worthlessness, guilty and ashamed. Feeling like a burden (“Everyone would be better off without me”).

Making preparations – Making out a will. Giving away possessions. Making arrangements for family members. Looking for means to hurt or kill themselves such as hoarding tablets.

Saying goodbye – Unusual or unexpected visits or calls to family and friends. Saying goodbye to people as if they won’t be seen again.

Changes in the way they are behaving – Withdrawing from friends and family. Increasing social isolation. Desire to be left alone. Loss of interest in things they previously enjoyed doing. Increased alcohol or drug use.

I am concerned about someone

I’m worried that someone may be considering taking their own life

Knowing what to look for, what to say and what you can do to help someone when they are in desperate need.

There is no special language. Don’t be afraid to use terms such as ‘suicide’ and ‘killing yourself’. There is no evidence that this will make someone more likely to kill themselves.

Speak openly, ask direct questions and encourage them to get help and support. Being listened to will make them feel less alone.

If you spot the warning signs of suicide in someone you care about, you may wonder if it’s a good idea to say anything. What if you’re wrong? What if the person gets angry? In such situations, it’s natural to feel uncomfortable or afraid. But anyone who talks about suicide or shows other warning signs needs immediate help—the sooner the better.

Talking to a friend or family member about their suicidal thoughts and feelings can be extremely difficult for anyone. But if you’re unsure whether someone is suicidal, the best way to find out is to ask. You can’t make a person suicidal by showing that you care. Giving a suicidal person the opportunity to express their feelings can provide relief from loneliness and negative feelings, and may prevent a suicide attempt.

Ways to start a conversation about suicide:

“I have been feeling concerned about you lately.”

“I wanted to check in with you because you haven’t seemed yourself lately.”

Questions you can ask:

“When did you begin feeling like this?”

“Did something happen to make you start feeling this way?”

“How can I best support you right now?”

“Have you thought about getting help?”

What you can say that helps:

“You are not alone in this. I’m here for you.”

“You may not believe it now, but the way you’re feeling will change.”

“I may not be able to understand exactly how you feel, but I care about you and want to help.”

When talking to a suicidal person


Be yourself. If you are worried that someone is going to kill themself, it can feel hard to talk about. Let the person know you care, that they are not alone. Finding the right words are not nearly as important as showing your concern.

Listen.You don’t have to be an expert. You just have to listen. Talking can help people to work through their problems. It can make them feel less alone. It can encourage them to seek professional help. Most importantly, it makes them feel listened to – and that can save lives.

Show you care. Reassure that help is available and that the suicidal feelings are temporary. Let them know that their life is important to you. Nobody knows exactly what other people are going through in life. Everybody has lows and bad times and everybody responds to them differently. If we all resolve to care more about other people we can help make the world an easier place for people who are struggling with mental health problems.

Take the person seriously. If a suicidal person says things like, “I’m so depressed, I can’t go on,” ask if they’re having thoughts of suicide. You’re allowing them to share their pain with you, not putting ideas in their head.

If a friend or family member tells you that they are thinking about suicide, it’s important to evaluate the immediate danger the person is in.

If a suicide attempt seems imminent, dial 999 or call the Rotherham Crisis line 0800 652 9571. Do not leave someone who is thinking about suicide on their own. 

If a friend or family member is thinking about suicide, the best way to help is to talk with them, listen and show that you care. Let them talk and know that they are not alone.

It takes a lot of courage to help someone who is thinking about suicide. Witnessing someone dealing with thoughts about ending their own life can stir up many difficult emotions. As you’re helping a suicidal person, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Find someone that you trust – a friend, family member, or counsellor to talk to about your feelings and get support of your own.

To help a suicidal person:

Get professional help. Do everything you can to get the person who is thinking about suicide to get the help he or she needs.

Be proactive. Those thinking about suicide often don’t believe they can be helped, so you may have to be more proactive at offering assistance. Saying, “Call me if you need anything” is too vague. Don’t wait for the person to call you or even to return your calls. Drop by, call again, invite the person out.

Encourage positive lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet, plenty of sleep, and getting out in the sun or into nature for at least 30 minutes each day. Exercise is also extremely important as it releases endorphins, relieves stress, and promotes emotional well-being.

Make a safety plan. Help the person develop a set of steps they promise to follow when they feel in crisis. It should identify any triggers, such as an anniversary of a loss, alcohol, or stress from relationships. Also include contact numbers for people who will help in an emergency.

Continue your support. Even after the immediate crisis has passed, stay in touch with the person, call them or pop in to see them.

Local suicide prevention support in Rotherham

0330 088 9255

Amparo provides support for anyone bereaved or affected by suicide. Support can be provided one-to-one, to family groups, groups of colleagues or peers – whatever is preferred by you and is most appropriate to your situation.


Website providing support for those who are in distress and highlights the importance of how to look out for one another and do our bit to help.

Andy’s Man Club is a real, non-judgmental, talking groups for men. They hold meetings every Monday at 7pm, except Bank Holidays.

The Centre, Brinsworth Lane, Brinsworth, Rotherham, S60 5BU


Wath-upon-Dearne, Dearne Community Fire Station, Manvers Way, Rotherham S63 5DN

Tel: 01709 302670

Available 24 hours 7 days a week.

Trained call handlers will signpost you to the most appropriate service depending on your level of need.

Hard of hearing? Deaf? For anyone unable to use the standard telephone line, i.e. hard of hearing, there is a text phone service available.
Please text 07974 603610

Tel: 116 123 – free from any phone
Tel: 0330 094 5717 – local call charges apply

Available 24 hours 7 days a week.

22 Percy Street, Rotherham, S65 1ED
Monday: 11:30am–9pm
Tuesday: 3pm–9pm
Wednesday: 11:30am–3pm
Thursday: 3pm–9pm
Sunday: 5pm–9pm

Provides support for those in distress or struggling to cope.

National support organisations

Help is at Hand is a resource for people bereaved through suicide or other unexplained death, and for those helping them. It provides both emotional and practical support.

Tel: 0800 068 4141

Text: 07984967708


Support for young people

0300 304 7000

You can leave a message / your contact number on 07984967708


Telephone support available from 4.30pm to 10.30pm, 7 days a week

Text Shout to 85258

Free text service for anyone in crisis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Improving support for people contemplating suicide by raising awareness of and promoting free suicide prevention training which is accessible to all.

Support apps

Stay Alive is a suicide prevention resource, packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis.


Calm Harm provides tasks to help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm.


distrACT gives you easy, quick and discreet access to information and advice about self-harm and suicidal thoughts.


HealthUnlocked is the world’s largest social network for health. Find and connect with people with a similar health condition. The service has over 700 online communities focused on health and wellbeing topics.


The NHS App gives you a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.
You can use the app if you are aged 13 or over. You must be registered with an NHS GP surgery in England or the Isle of Man. You can also log in through the NHS website on a computer to use NHS App services.


Rotherhive is not responsible for content on websites or apps mentioned on the site. Always read the app’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy to see how your data may be used.

RotherHive is developed by Rotherham Place Partnership

© Copyright Rotherham Place Partnership (Previously NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group) 2025