
Support services for Deaf people with health or social care concerns

Deaf people generally have poorer health than hearing people, simply because access to medical services and health information isn’t routinely provided in sign language.

Here you will find support services that aim to improve access to information for Deaf people in crisis or with particular health or social care needs.

What is Mental Health and how to access services

I am concerned about someone else

I’m concerned about someone who I think needs help

There are many reasons why someone may feel emotionally unwell – overly stressed, sad, anxious or depressed. Causes can include lack of mental health support, poor education and lack of mental health services – as well as everyday stressors such as money problems, health issues and employment difficulties. For the deaf and hard of hearing members of the community, these problems are amplified (so to speak).

It is important to show how concerned you are and tell them that you are worried about them. If you think someone is unwell:

Don’t be afraid to ask how they are.

Spending time with them – lets them know you care, and can help you understand what they’re going through.

Ask them how you can help – it might be arranging an appointment to see their GP, support service or helping them with daily tasks such as cleaning or food shopping.

Be open-minded – try to be non-judgemental

Show trust and respect – this will help them to rebuild and maintain a sense of self-esteem. This can also help you to cope a bit better if you can see your support having a positive impact on the person you care about.

Look after yourself – Supporting someone else can sometimes be stressful. Making sure that you look after your own wellbeing can mean that you have the energy, time and distance you need to be able to help.

Get support – You may be entitled to social care support from Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council to help you care for your friend or family member.

Local support services in Rotherham

Mobile/text: 07770 828452

Tuesday to Thursday – 8.30am-4.30pm

Friday 8.30am-2.00pm

The South Yorkshire Service for Deaf People with Mental Health Needs works with mental health teams to support the care and treatment for Deaf people. We also work with Deaf and hearing carers to support them in looking after their relatives with mental health problems.

Tel: 01709 722420

Text phone: 01709 722437


8 Ship Hill, Rotherham, S60 2HG

Rotherham Sight & Sound is a sensory service that supports people with a visual impairment, deaf people, both hearing aid users and British Sign Language (BSL) users, as well as people with a dual sensory loss (deafblind).

If you or someone you know has concerns about their immediate health, RDaSH Crisis Team can help. They will signpost you to the most appropriate service depending on your level of need. This may include your out of hours GP, a voluntary organisation or our access/crisis team.

The text phone service is available on 07974 603610

Take the online Zero Suicide Prevention Training with Zero Suicide Alliance. It takes just 20 minutes and will teach you how to recognise the warning signs and safeguard someone that could be contemplating suicide.

National support organisations

Text DEAF to 85258

Free text message service to support deaf people who are in crisis. Deaf people who need help with urgent issues such as suicidal thoughts, abuse or assault, self-harm, bullying or relationship issues will now be able to access support immediately.

020 3947 2600
SMS/text message: 07966 976749

SignHealth is a charity dedicated to making sure Deaf people get the same sort of access as hearing people to healthcare and health information.

If you are deaf or can’t verbally communicate

You can register with the emergencySMS service. Text REGISTER to 999. You will get a text which tells you what to do next. Do this when it is safe so you can text when you are in danger.

If you need help urgently but are not at risk of death or serious illness, use the NHS 111 non-emergency advice online:

You can also use the:

Tel: 07539 877357

Text: 07736 835445

Deaf4Deaf is a team of Mental Health Counsellors & Psychotherapists aiming to help people receive counselling in the preferred communication style of choice.  NHS Applications are available for FREE to you counselling.

Support apps

InterpreterNow is a service that enables deaf and hearing people to communicate with each other. It delivers immediate access to online interpreting for deaf British Sign Language (BSL) users.


Tap SOS is a non–verbal way to connect with the emergency services.

HealthUnlocked is the world’s largest social network for health. Find and connect with people with a similar health condition. The service has over 700 online communities focused on health and wellbeing topics.


With Rotherham Health app you can assess your symptoms, book and manage your appointments, view your medical record and test results, manage your medication and much more, 24/7.


Rotherhive is not responsible for content on websites or apps mentioned on the site. Always read the app’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy to see how your data may be used.

RotherHive is developed by Rotherham Place Partnership

© Copyright Rotherham Place Partnership (Previously NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group) 2025